Hooks: How they feed off and manipulate you

Alasdair Forsythe
7 min readMar 14, 2023


A “hook” is means by which an individual can be manipulated. The attacking entity or person can hook into your spirit and from there leech you of energy and make you do, think or believe whatever they want. This is common, people do it to each other unconsciously, and everybody has multiple hooks in them.

I use the term “hook” for all parts of the manipulation, but you could separate it into three stages:

  1. Doing something to make you turn your attention away from your spirit, so it is undefended.
  2. The action of attaching a hook and cord into your energy body.
  3. The hook itself which stays within your energy body until you become aware of it.

It is in the interest of the attacker to be discreet so that you don’t notice something is wrong. The key element is that you are unwilling, for any reason, to look somewhere and that place is then a vulnerability. If you knew something were wrong, you would look, and then you’d remove the hook. Hence it cannot be too aggressive.

A hook would not get under your skin if you are aware, it can only be done because you have abandoned some part of your spirit and are therefore unaware of anything that happens there. The reason for your self-abandonment is usually fear or judgement.

Typically, a hook takes the form of either a threat or a bribe. Either something so terrible you’re scared to look at it, or something so desirable you cannot say no. Generally, individuals with masculine tendencies tend to lean toward using threats, while those with feminine tendencies prefer to use bribes rather than fear. The two are in actuality the same thing.

For example, a masculine manipulating entity can manipulate an individual by presenting something so horrific that they refuse to fully consider it within their conscious awareness. The decision to turn one’s awareness away from the threat opens one up to exploitation. Likewise, a feminine manipulating entity is also exploiting fear, but in this case it’s fear of being judged or self-judgement, including taboo, which has the exact same effect of making your consciousness look away. Fear and desire are two sides of the same coin.

Violence, loss and sex are common hooks, but just as common are embarrassment and humiliation. Indeed, anything you don’t want to happen or anything you desire that you believe you will not get or do not deserve can be hooked: fame, fortune, success, even innocent things like love. The reason for the judgement could be apparently innocuous, for example perhaps you want to become a singer but you not really sure if you’re good enough… that fear is enough to be used as a hook.

Making a promise, especially promises or vows made as a child, can be forgotten about and yet become established within one’s beliefs. These can also be used as hooks.

Just turning away from someone is also opening yourself up to a direct and aggressive attack. Popular opinion says to ignore troublemakers. Indeed it’s best not to engage with troublemakers, but many people conflate not engaging with turning their back. Never turn your back on an enemy.

Any region of your mind or past that you habitually avoid for any reason is susceptible to being exploited. This includes fears, traumas, desires that were discouraged, as well as taboos and societal norms that you take too seriously. Even fears or judgements imposed upon you by others, that are not necessarily your own.

Drugs can change how you perceive yourself and so any addiction, including to food, sex or exercise, can be hooked to.

And finally, the hook itself can be a hook, if you are afraid to accept that people you thought cared about you are actually feeding off you.

Since everything you believe is hidden from the world is actually visible in your spirit, it is a straightforward process for entities to exploit them. They don’t need to have an intimate understanding of you or your history; they can easily identify your suppressed fears and desires just by looking at you. They don’t even need to follow through with the threat or bribe; merely suggesting it is enough to knock you out of consciousness.

Anyone can put a hook in you, they do not have to be aware they are doing it. Most people do it unconsciously.

How to remove hooks

Hooks are automatically removed when you see them. The solution is to face your fears and accept your desires.

Facing a fear does not mean the bad thing will happen, it means not pretending that you’re not scared. Just saying “yes I am scared of this” and letting yourself feel the fear — that is enough. It’s not having fear that makes you susceptible, it’s the cowardice of turning away from it. It’s okay to be scared, it’s not okay to abandon yourself because of it.

Suppressed desires are also fears. Specifically each fear has an associated desire, and vice-versa. For example, the fear of abandonment goes hand-in-hand with an insatiable need for acceptance.

You can approach the fear-desire from either angle, whichever is easier for you. Both directions will result in the same feeling, but the mental gymnastics you do to get yourself there may be different. For example, to face the fear of abandonment means having the courage to feel the abandonment that is already there and being suppressed. Whereas the other side is to accept that you will never get the acceptance you strive for. It’s actually the same feeling, and you’re doing the same thing with it, but one direction might be easier for you to get there.

Accepting a desire means not pushing the feeling away. Taboos create artificial fetishizations that only exist because of the judgement. This is because fear and desire are two sides of the same coin, hence to fear something is to fetishize it. The fetishized “fear” doesn’t have to be scary, it can be fear of disgust, or fear of doing something “wrong”. All of these have associated desires on their reverse side. Take “incest” for example, the entire attraction is that it’s forbidden. Take the judgement away and the fetishization also disappears. The same is true with humiliation and dominance, even pedophilia is perpetuated by making it forbidden. The solution is to consider it without judgement. Are you attracted to xyz? Maybe yes, maybe no, but if you are too scared to even ask the question of yourself it will become a fetishized via fear and thereby an easy entry for exploitation.

Self-worth issues are faced in the same manner as fears. Addictions are tricky because they tend to adapt, which is an indication that you’re actively battling a conscious entity (maybe a person, maybe a spirit) that is attempting to keep you under its control. To beat the addiction completely, means eliminating all potential vulnerabilities that the attacking entity is able to hook — otherwise you’ll find yourself just addicted to something else. Alternatively you may be medicating to keep yourself from having to see the hook, because that is what you’re scared of.

Whomever has their hooks in you will not want you to remove them, and to ensure that happens they will try to keep you from “waking up” and seeing what’s going on. Hence once they have established a hook, they will reinforce it by projecting negative energy and negative beliefs into you. A favorite is to make you feel like a victim, weak and powerless; a pit of sorrow or self-pity. This is a telltale sign that you’re being manipulated, and it’s purpose is to stop you from having the motivation to heal yourself.

Hooks hide. If you are unable to find the hook, try out different beliefs about yourself, especially negative ones. You can often break the spell by “confessing”, saying out loud the thing it is hiding within. If you can’t find it, say out loud every place it could possibly hide, especially anything you don’t want to say, especially things that you’re certain are not true, e.g. “I am worthless”, “I will never be successful”, “everybody is talking about me behind my back”. You will know when you’ve touched something sensitive.

Courage is the solution. The courage to look at that which you don’t want to see, and speak the truth you don’t want to hear.

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