Soul Fragmentation, Soul Retrieval & Shadow Self
In spirit there is no physical matter, so the boundaries that separate one spirit from another must be made of sprit too. For this purpose negative emotion, fear and disgust, act as boundaries in spirit.
A typical example is a trauma that you attempt to escape from my blocking it out. This results in a fragmentation whereby part of you is separated from the rest of you, and this is called Soul Fragmentation.
When you refuse to look at or remember something, it indicates your unwillingness of your spirit to pass through that spirit-world-location, since thinking about something is to go there in spirit. Your spirit then cannot cross that barrier, it creates a division, and your soul becomes fragmented. These soul fragments then function independently of one another, as if they were separate beings.
However, the fragments are rarely self-sufficient since they’re meant to be part of a whole, not individuals. A fragmented piece of your soul finding itself separated is usually unable to survive on its own. It will either go into a kind of statis like a coma due to lack of energy, or else go into survival mode and become a leech or vampire, stealing the energy its lacking from you and people around you. This entity is sometimes referred to as a Shadow.
You will feel that you have lost something, but you may not remember what it was. This is because you tend to lose not only the thing itself, but also the memory of what you once had.
To rescue a soul fragment first requires the courage to face the fear and pass through it. Facing the fear means feeling the fear and walking through it with your head held high. Having courage doesn’t mean not being afraid, it means facing it anyway despite the terrible feeling because it’s your responsibility to do so.
However, it’s often the case with childhood traumas that one no longer needs to be scared, because they have changed. You’re no longer a child and so it may be that the “not-going-there” has become a habit, but in reality you already are bigger now and don’t need to fear the cause of the trauma anymore.
If the soul fragment has been captured by another person or spirit, or if it doesn’t recognize you and believes you’re trying to capture it yourself (which technically you are) you will find yourself battling the other within a symbolic space, as I described within my Imaginationland article.
In the case of soul fragmentation, you can take multiple approaches for the same result. You can dissolve the fear barrier fragmenting you, you can fight and defeat the current owner, or you can remove the suppressive beliefs upon which the fear is standing. Any of these will result in the fragment coming back to you.
Sometimes the fragment automatically reintegrates with the whole as soon as you dare to face the fear or free it. But, sometimes it’s not that easy. Usually the fragment has not grown since the day it was split, and remains at the same mental age. It may have been comatose and need to be given time and energy to come back to life again. It may have gained semi-consciousness and no longer want to come back. It may blame you for abandoning it and require extensive therapy before reaccepting you.
Generally the best way is to treat it exactly as you would if it were your child and you it’s parent, which is very close to the truth. You will become its therapist and healer, and father and mother. Be patient and listen to it.
In extreme cases it’s possible to lose a piece of soul altogether: Soul Loss. This is in effect a divorce. It no longer trusts you, it no longer wants you. In this case your best bet is to demonstrate that you have changed by your actions, and move on. Spirit does grow back. It takes years to grow back, but it does. However, it doesn’t grow back if you don’t let go.
It also doesn’t grow back if you take a part of someone else’s soul and try to fill the hole in your own soul with it. This is all too common. It’s especially common between parents and children, as children are born whole and parents have unrestricted access to them. In a codependent relationship, each gives a piece of themselves to fill the missing piece in the other, but it never perfectly fits.
The retrieval and reintegration of soul fragments takes time, but as you do it you become more and more whole, and back finally to your true self.
Soul Retrieval for Others
Shamans are infamous for doing soul retrievals for other people.
However, traditionally shamans did this for their tribe, which is a group of people they know intimately and live with for their entire life. They didn’t do it for random people they were not going to see again.
It’s not really a good idea to do soul retrievals for other people because the reintegration can take years. Are you going to be there for years for that person whenever they need someone to talk to? If no, better teach them methods for healing themselves rather than make them dependent on you and then not be there.
Also without facing the fears, so what if you get a piece of them back? What did you do, find the person who had it, beat them up leaving them confused and lost, and then give that fragment back to its source? Who will then do what with it? Reintegrate it? Unlikely because they’re scared to look at it and they judge it, else it would have come back on its own.
Soul retrieval for another person is something you should only do if you intend to take personal responsibility for that person’s mental and spiritual heath, nurturing and training them until they’ve fully come back together.
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